Above is a photo of another way hounds are transported. While this is not the exact photo of how our hounds are traveling today it should give some an idea.
Today we have 11 Fishdoggies in transport. They are traveling from the race track Gulf, in TX, all the way up to B'ham.
Of the hounds traveling today 5 will continue on to race at B'ham with Toomanyhounds kennel. The other 6, 5 will be moving on to adoption groups this weekend. MUCHO thanks goes out to my bestest bud Heather V and her hubby Ken. They are making a trip all the way to B'ham and back to pick up these hounds.
The hounds that Heather and Ken will be transporting are, Lakeville A very special girl to our trainer in Southland. Lakeville was JT's favorite girl and to the point that she became spoiled. JT would walk into the kennel only to hear the roo's and crazy dance of Lakeville wanting her cookie. Lakeville has been nicknamed Cookie Monster for those reasons.
Voodoo Mamma Sister to Lakeville. Crazystreak
another sister to Lakeville and Voodoo Mamma. Claire's Alexia and Denim Days
All but one of these hounds will be moving on to GFNC Where another one of my good friends and also a Fishdoggie adopter, Cathy, will oversee their placements into foster homes and also in the adoption kennel with GFNC.
You may be wondering where that one hound not going to GFNC is going. Well she already has a very special home all lined up. But that is not for me to share just yet ;-)
The last one of the pets being transported is Lighting Lee A very special girl to me and many others. LL, just to keep it short, has been with Fishdog Kennels since her very first days of racing. She tends to be a shy girl but she is just so sweet and just a special girl. LL will be moving on to GPA-Nashville. If Kevin and I hadn't just added Duck to our pack LL would have surely been coming home to Gulfport =)
I also would like to give a SHOUT OUT to Mo, racing name Mystical Moment Today is Mo's Gottcha Day. To those that might not understand. What that means is Mo has been in his adoptive home for one year, so HAPPY GOTTCHA DAY Mo!
Also a big CONGRATS goes out to Pam and Dave. Dave finally talked Pam into the fact that he was already in his forever home. Pam signed the papers last night.
More news tomorrow as we have 2 more Fishdoggies on the move and I'm sure I'll have some photos to share
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