Today 3 Fishdoggies are on their way to retirement. SAS Shilo, BI's Baby Face and Polo Boy.
Becky and Joanne from Greyhound Crossroads headed out early this morning on their way to B'ham.
At the start of their trip we thought it would only be 2 Fishdoggies moving but when they learned about Polo Boy they quickly got onto the phone with the owner of Polo Boy's brother Go Charlie Go. If all things work out Polo will be joining his brother in retirement. How cool is that??
Also Becky has been waiting on Baby Face for quite some time. I think at least once a week I would get an email from Becky asking about Baby LOL. No Becky can not adopt BabyFace but I know she will be fostering this sweet girl.
A GREAT big THANK YOU goes out to Becky and Joanne for getting up so early in the morning hours to head to B'ham. Along with our hounds they also picked up a few other hounds from a friends kennel of mine. Alan Olson from Southern New England Kennel. Alan is a long time friend of mine and I'm thrilled that GC was able to help move some of Alan's pets.
As of right now there are only 3 Fishdoggies retired and ready for adoption. 2 of the 3 have already been spoken for and within the next few weeks they also will be moving into adoption.
I think this is the smallest number of pets we have ever had within Team Greyhound. Honestly it's a SUPER feeling.
Oh we do have a brood momma that has also retired from her duties but more on that later. Can't spill all the beans ;-)
(photo of SAS Shilo compliment of Rachel Hogue)
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