I just heard from the kennel we work with in B'ham, Toomanyhounds, that 3 of our hounds are ready for retirement. And they are ALL White and Red cow doggies.
The first photo is of Buckeyes Rock. Buckeye is a super sweet lovable big boy. Weighing in at around 77lbs. Buckeye is from a litter of just 4 pups. 2 of which are already in homes. Dave's Lil Bomb and Mizar.
Next is Saint Marteen and my goodness Miss Marteen is a hound that will just make you laugh and smile. Marteen is a talker!! she loves to talk to anyone who will pay her one ounce of attention. Just Roooooooing away, dancing and making herself as silly as possible just to make sure you're paying attention.
Last on the list is Flupas Phanatic. 4 of Phanatic's littermates are already retired. Barbannie and Noonan live together in TN, Baggins the Money was retired even before reaching the race tracks and Lady Melody.
Phanatic is going to need a special place to start off his retirement. While he's a sweet boy once he gets to know you he's very unsure of strangers.
Melony (owner/trainer of Toomanyhounds) was unsure if Phanatic should even be adopted out. I guess he was pretty jumpy when the kennel assistants would work with him and he would make moves to nip at the helpers out of fear. Melony has said Phanatic has done much better with the kennel assistants and even the lead outs but he is fearful until he is fully comfortable in new situations.
As always with any of our hounds they are safe and sound until we find the proper places for them. I will be checking with adoption groups to work on finding places for these hounds but if you read my blog and think that any of these hounds would work for your adoption group just drop me a line.
I know that Marteen and Buckeyes will be quick easy placements and with Phanatic, I know he will be a bit more work, but where there is a will there is a way and we will find it :)
Also at B'ham they offer a spay/neuter program for hounds. For $125 you can get a fully vetted hound. Teeth cleaning, heart worm check, fecal, spay or neuter all for just $125.
So lets get these Cowdoggies MOOOOOOving ;-)
Marteen has always been a favorite of mine! The dog just makes you smile!! Fingers crossed for Phanatic...there are homes out there who love to welcome in houndies with some special needs. I wish we had room here for him!
ReplyDeleteWould LOVE to get my hands on Marteen. What a cutie!!!