Pretty Momma girl Lass made it to her Forever home on Wed afternoon. As you can see above she's is getting along well with all her new brother and sisters, oh and is ignoring the kitties too. GOOD GIRL Lass =)
It was a long haul for Momma Lass. She left out of OK on Monday morning and didn't arrive in Mass until 10pm on Tue night.
Lass never missed a meal and figured out dog beds extremely quick.
Yesterday Lass learned about squeekie toys and had a blast. Running in the yard and playing with these new found fun things.
Rumor is her first meal in her new home consisted of Dry food, some canned food and spaghetti LOL
I want to say a HUGE thank you to Nancy, who picked Lass up in Raynham, MA late on Tue night. It was a long night for Nancy and Lass too.
Also I can never say thank you enough to Dee. Lass's new Momma. She opened her heart and home to a wonderful brood momma. This is Dee's first Brood but I'm thinking it sure won't be the last.
Lass won Dee and her husband Steve over in about 2.3 seconds flat =)
Photos above are compliments of Dee. First one is Lass begging to have that fun squeekie toy back. Second one is of ArchE (white and red) Abby (white and black) and then of course the Beautiful Momma Lass (red)
My pleasure to help Momma dog get to her new home.