First above is Crayons. A super friendly girl who is not afraid to let anyone know what she wants and that is ATTENTION.
Crayons had become well known in our kennel as the hound that would make the most noise for your attention.
I recall visiting with Crayons while she was just a young pup out on the farm in KS and what a little character she was. The only brindle in the litter and I think this must have stuck in her brain that it made her extra special.
Reports from her foster mom is that Crayons is very well behaved and has not made any noise while crated. This just goes to show you that some of these hounds can be totally different dogs once moving to adoption.
Either way, Crayons is a personality PLUS girl.
Also Buckeyes Rock was moved to adoption on Monday. A jaw dropping handsome boy.
OOPs some info I forgot to pass along about Buckeyes. This whole litter, while out at the farm in KS, was taught to catch cookies.
Buckeyes and all his littermates are all very sweet and loving hounds, oh and lets not forget quite the lookers as well
For those of you who read the blog from GPA-Nashville, Buckeyes is a full brother to Mizar.
Hounds were pick up by Becky from Greyhound Crossroads.
Greyhound Crossroads not only picked up hounds of ours, but also picked up a few hounds from a good friends kennel, Southern New England Kennel, Alan Olson.
Along with picking up 3 hounds from Champion kennel for PRH.
Those hounds for PRH were then transported to my bestest bud
Heather V. Heather held the dogs for the day/night and transported them on up to PRH on Tue.
So all and all Monday was an EXCELLENT day for adoption doggies.
Not just Fishdoggies but others as well and to me the more hounds in homes the better =)
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