Please welcome to this world 10 healthy, happy,fat pups! The proud daddy is Yahoo Omar and the proud momma is Quack Attack aka Duckie.
Pups were born on Friday and on Sunday two good friends, Beth and Tony headed out to the farm and were able to get lots of photos of the new babies.
I'm not sure on sexes of pups just yet but we have 2 blacks, 4 white and blacks, 3 reds and the odd ball of the bunch, 1 white and red.
This is a litter that we are of course very excited about. Yahoo Omar was name 2009 Rural Winner (best sprint dog in the country) and Duckie is a full sister to the 2009 Flashy Sir winner (best distance dog in the country) Flupascrackerbox.
So when you hear us talking about trying to breed the best to the best, this is a prime example of what we try to do.
For those of you involved with racing I'm pretty sure Kevin will be selling a few of these pups. While I would love to keep each and every pup, with board bills on a litter of 10 it's just not financially possible. So if you have any interest about possibly purchasing one of these pups just shoot Kevin and email. I stay far away from that end of the biz ;-)
On other news we have 3 new hounds headed into Southland today. 3 Hounds headed to B'ham. Gina Kincaid, Gabrielle Can and Casino Sarah.
OK well that is quite the update for now. More to come tomorrow as we have several pups schooling official today.
TEN! Duckie sure has her work cut out for her. They are a beautiful litter.