OK the above photos were just recently emailed to me from Anne. One of the very first personal adoptions I have ever done. We are talking about 1999.
I'm not even sure how it came about but I must have been poking around on some website and found Anne who adopted a hound that use to be in my kennel with a "crooked nose" This girls name is Watch Me Cleo. I can't seem to find her on Greyhound Data so I'm pretty sure that was her name.
Anyway I contacted Anne and just wanted to chat with her about Cleo and how she was doing. While I was chatting with Anne she mentioned they were ready to adopt another hound.
I got the most wonderful, warm, caring vibe from Anne and informed her I had an AMAZING boy who was up for adoption. A boy by the name of Greedy Gus.
Gus was such a special boy and I just knew that Anne's home was the place for him. Luckily Anne was game and ended up adopting Gus.
This blossomed into a very cool and amazing relationship. Anne had a friend Carol, who once meeting Cleo and Gus knew right away she, herself needed a greyhound.
Anne connected Carol with me and we got to work finding her a hound.
Now my memory fails me here but I'm pretty sure that Amazeme Hank was the first boy she adopted from me. Not long after she added Amazeme Blaze.
Now I could be wrong and it could go the other way around, Blaze then Hank.
Either way, another wonderful friendship was formed between Carol and myself.
A few years passed and I moved on down to B'ham. The kennel I moved down with from CT was closing down and all the hounds had to move out.
There were 2 EXTREMELY special hounds that I had that were in need of a home. It was a brother/sister duo.
My first thought for these two were Anne and Carol. I put the call out and sure enough both were game to add in another hound.
Arrangements were made and Anne took in Bess, (race name TXS Conclusion) and Carol took in Frog, (race name TXS Perfection)
Sadly just Cleo and Bess are the only two from the "old gang"
In the first photo the hounds are L to R
Cleo, Gus, Blaze and Hank
Second photo is
Cleo, Blaze, Gus (red boy) Bess, Frog, and Hank
Third photo is
Hank, Blaze, Frog, Bess, Gus and Cleo off to the far right.
No matter how many dogs I handle through the years these hounds will NEVER be forgotten or their owners for that matter.
It's the good memories of years gone pass that photos like these bring to mind.
No matter the miles between friends, the connection never fades.
Of course all hounds are special to me, but sometimes there are just certain hounds that touch you. Greedy Greedy Gus for sure is one that will never be forgotten.
That little boy (61lbs) would booty scoot up and down the kennel isle. He was such an AMAZING boy.
Bess and Frog, my gosh those two just stole your heart with just one look.
Not to take anything away from Cleo, Hank or Blaze. As you can tell I remember each and every one of them. Just looking at the photos I can pick them out.
So if you ever wonder what sort of connection the kennel people have with these dogs. Please, please, please know it may be stronger then you could ever imagine.
Each and every hound that I have ever interacted with has taken a little piece of my heart along with them to their new homes.
When news came in to me that Gus, Hank, Blaze and Frog had passed I cried my eyes out.
So THANK YOU Anne and Carol for adopting "my" hounds, for loving and caring for them and also for allowing me to share in their retired lives.
Any hound will be BLESSED to share their retired lives with either of you!!!
What a beautiful story, Heather. These hounds are like magnets - they draw us to them and they draw people together! The power of the hounds!!